I am a regular client of Jody’s. I met her in 2004, at that time I was suffering with chronic back pain and severe depression. I was tired of seeing doctors and explaining everything to them but getting no where. I was exhausted physically and emotionally. To my surprise when I saw Jody, I didn’t have to explain anything to her about my situation. When she put her hands over me I actually felt the heaviness being lifted off of my body. The black cloud that had been weighing me down for quite some time had finally left. Jody is an awesome healer!
Susan L., Circle Pines, Mn
I broke my wrist at work in 2004 and had to have a metal plate put in my wrist. I was in such severe pain that day. I went to see Jody because my wife insisted. I really wasn’t thinking that I was going to get anything out of that visit but I did. I held my arm out and she swept her hand over my cast and held her hand over my wrist for a minute or so and I could actually feel the pain leave my wrist. She only worked on me for about 20 minutes. Being the skeptic that I am I thought that the pain would return and that I would have to take the pain killers that the doctor prescribed but I didn’t and that pain hasn’t returned since.
Jim L., Circle Pines, Mn
I first met Jody while attending a workshop in Lily Dale, New York. Jody used a unique combination of healing modalities consisting of Reiki, Quatum Healing and Unwinding. I had suffered with continual lower back pain, right shoulder and neck pain for approximately 10 years. During the session I felt the pain in my lower back actually leave my body. It returned briefly, wherein I sought distance treatment -- I don't understand how this works -- but I know that it does -- within a month (approximately) the pain in my back, shoulder and neck have completely subsided -- it's been approximately six pain-free months. Jody has also done distant healing on my 80 year old Mother -- who was amazed how much better she felt and slept after receiving this treatment.
Now if she could use her talents to lift my face and return my ass to it's original shape and size I would consider her to be truly gifted. She is a talented healer and I consider her to be a dear friend -- don't you always bond with folks that fix you.
Dana, Washington, D.C.
In June of 2009 my husband and I took a trip to Minnesota. We both had an unwinding from Jody and could not get over how much better we felt and the improved range of movement we had. We told every one about it and about 2 weeks later, our daughter said she was going to a conference for work in Minneapolis, so we called Jody and she was kind enough to go to her hotel and unwind her. As soon as Jody left, we got a call from our daughter asking “What just happened to me? “ She said she felt her hips where aligned for the first time in her life and she understood what we were talking about. Jody had said we could call her at anytime if we felt thing go out of line and she would work on us. We were moving some things out of our house and putting them in storage, when I fell off the ladder and landed hard on my right elbow and wrist. The next morning after a sleepless night my husband asked if I wanted to go to the hospital, instead I called Jody and told her what happened. My hand had tingles in it like when it is asleep but moving it didn’t help. Jody said she would “work” on me and call me later. We went to get a wrist brace and while we were driving I’m telling my husband Jody is working on my hand, oh she is working on my neck, she just went to my shoulders. When she called back I told her what happened and how my hand no longer tingled. That was on Sunday, today is Tuesday and I am typing this without a wrist brace and have only a little discomfort but no pain. If this is what energy work is all about, I’m all for it.
Mary Jo, Coeur d'Alene, Id
I have recieved several healings from Jody. Each one has been a wonderful experience each in its own right. For example the last one was combination energy and unwinding session that released several layers of emotions and ideas, aches, pains, considerations and "stuck" ideas that are now released and I am "free" of them leaving me transformed to a new and much happier state of being. I actually felt the layers leave me and in doing so it left me in a state of "glee". After the healing I went to use the ladies room and actually started laughing uncontrollabley because I didn't recognize the happy look on my own face. I still laugh about it when I think of it and am much more in control of my daily life now living in the present rather than being "stuck" in the past. A wonderful release on many levels and I look forward to the next session with Jody. Jody is a fabulous healer using many different modalities and I recommend her with highest regards as a friend and a healer. YOU MUST SEE FOR YOURSELF!
Sue, Little Canada, MN

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Qigong Meditation & Tai Chi Chih Classes with Theresa May at

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